Life Is Beautiful Struggle

No one is in charge of your happiness but you; therefore, you can change any part of yourself or your life...Bener kali yah ? Makanya itu Life Is Beautiful Struggle..Kadang sedih, senang, kecewa, benci, rindu, marah, and many emotions feeling lainnya...But, we must keep fighting...Contohnya di saat kita lagi sedih and ngerasa lagi 'on the bottom' banget, cobalah saja berkompromi dengan rasa sedih itu. Never say goodbye to your pain, because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting, just enjoy your miles of pain...You will miss it... We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams, but yeaaahh thats life...Bener kan yah ? .... Kata Teh Nicky Astria saja dunia ini panggung sandiwara, kita hanyalah aktor. Jadi berusahalah jadi aktor yang baik, walo tak akan berkesempatan nyabet Piala Citra..Hahahaa...(Emang Piala Citra masih ada yah ?)

Sebetulnya life is about trusting your feelings, taking chances untuk diri kita sendiri, losing and finding happiness, learning from the past, and realizing people change..Yeah people change...Juga dengan diri kita sendiri...We make mistakes, we lose people, itu sudah konsekuensi hidup. Sometimes we must letting go, tapi bukan berarti kita jadi lemah or giving up… Menurutku letting go is growing up... Mungkin itu sebenarnya adalah proses pendewasaan hidup saja...Semoga dengan pendewasaan ini there is sunny skies and the music sounding good for me, for you and for us..But however, always miss the missing person...or regret about the people change...Dan semua nya akan kembali ke pernyatan  : We don’t know exactly how much i mean for the people in any and every form of this life.... 

Have a nice lunch all...


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